Fall is here, which means there are some new pests to keep an eye out for. My San Antonio reported that there will be new bugs, pests, and insects invading our gardens and homes this season. But don't worry, not all of them are bad.
Molly Keck, senior program specialist for the integrated pest management program for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, explained which ones residents should look out for.
Here are all of the bugs expected to be out and about this fall:
- isopods (pillbugs) and millipedes
- cabbage loopers
- tomato hornworm
- grasshoppers
- squash vine borers
- squash bugs
- leaf-footed bugs
- aphids
- wooly aphids
- lace bugs
- spider mites
- green June bugs
- green darner dragonflies
- Galls
- desert termites
- fire ants
- paper wasps
- grass carrying wasp
- Mexican honey wasps
- cicada killer wasps
- lacewings
- spiders
- black widow and brow recluse spiders
- lady beetles
- syrphid fly or hoverfly
- assassin bugs
- American snout nose butterflies
- butterflies