Tell Me Something Good: Angela and Jon

Barbara, a friend of Angela and Jon, asked us to help grant a KISSMas wish this year. We decided we couldn't wait till Christmas and wanted to help Angela, Jon, and their 9 children now before school starts. 

From Barbara:

Angela has had cancer for the last 2 years. When first diagnosed she was told there was nothing they could do for her. She decided to go through these treatments out in Arizona. They have been getting on a plane at 6 AM and then returning home when they dismiss her at midnight in order to get the best rates. This alone would be a strain. Very often her treatments have made her very, very ill. I understand she has finished her last treatment.

Jon (the dad still works)..When I think about the responsibilities he has had I am amazed. Taking care of all the kids, always has them in church with him unless he is in Arizona with his wife. Cooking any meals they may need. Also, think of the washing etc. Amazing. You never once hear him complain. God certainly has a special reward for him. 

When I think of all they have been through in addition to the medical bills, prescriptions, and anything else that maybe there that I don't know about. 

I am sure this family must have other needs also. But I would appreciate a Christmas being done for that family in addition to a care package sent to their son in the military in Fargo, North Dakota. Knowing what his mother has gone through must be very hard on him also.

Food and grocery shopping is hard on a family of 4, not to mention a family of 11! Kroger stepped in and wants to alleviate the burden with $1500 in Kroger gift cards!  They offer more than just groceries- school supplies, household cleaning supplies...some stores even offer clothes!

Our friend Charlie Evans, the General Manager at Vandergriff Toyota, also donated to the family with $1500 in Visa Gift cards to use however they need so the kids are all set for school.

Listen to Billy the Kidd share the news with Angela and thanks to our good friends at Kroger and Vandergriff Toyota!

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